
In liquid processes it is quite common to integrate a flow-meter.
Measuring flow gives valuable insights and reduces process-risks.

Looking at it from another perspective, measuring alone doesn’t add much.
Unless there is a controller to react on deviations, measuring is a fairly reactive process.
And in the cases where a controller is present, the flow-characteristics are hardly ever ideally stable.

Aim for better

Flowmeister aims for ideally stable flow-characteristics.

Using only the best components in addition to FlowMax, Q-dose earns it’s name by performing.
Changing process-parameters, like a changing pressure-drop over a filter, are compensated for.
The turn-down ratio of the solution is determined by the flowmeter only, therefore it is an impressive 60:1!

In line with Flowmeisters’ portfolio, Q-dose is available in normal and Single Use versions.

Will it work for you?

The best way to find out is to let Q-dose prove itself.

For your first Q-dose application we claim a “No cure no pay” guarantee.

We appreciate a personal touch